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[Review] Phat! 1/8 scale Hoshii Miki

Hello again!  It’s been awhile and I’m not happy about that — mainly because my backlogs are increasing :(.  On a more happier note.  I have in my hand a figure of my best girl from one of my favorite idol serieses — the iDolM@ster.

Admittedly, I don’t have enough experience with Phat! but when I decided to pick ip this figure, the prototype was awesomely sculpted and painted and the price was not too shabby.   🙂

So now a little show for the box.






Not much in terms of packaging as the box itself and the protective plastic do look rudimentary but we’re more interested in the contents than the packaging aren’t we?  A few a couple of cuts to remove the seals and the removal of the remaining plastic covering, we finally get a good look at 765 Production‘s Miki.

Honey will be very jealous 🙂


My globs!  She’s that cute!  Phat really did a good job replicating Yusuke Masaki’s handy craft  (nice work on them boots!).  She’s cute, she’s bubby and she’ll easily one of my favorite figures to date.





And the Detail!  Did I mention the Detail??


Well zooming into that detail does bring up QC issues that I have with Miki, particularly some of the uncleaned cuts of the figure (namely some points of her hair, her tongue :()  However, considering the price it’s still a good deal especially if you planned to collect all of them (which I unfortunately didn’t do).  Sure her base is plain but that goes for the whole set as well so no biggie.  I think they decided on a nondescript so you can easily position the whole cast to your liking.  Some definitely won’t like it but to me it’s a non-issue.


Well that’s it for me for now.  I still have a couple of nendoroids (late) to do before looking forward to the arrival of my July orders *sigh* it never ends.

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